Support Us

Active History is a not-for-profit, entirely volunteer-run project that has thrived over the last eight years thanks to a community of readers and contributors.

The site is now home to 2,000+ blog posts, podcasts, papers and exhibits, and we’re conscious of the importance of giving this wealth of material a stable and secure home. We’re also committed to supporting projects that connect with the Active History mission of bringing together historians and the public, the past and the present.

Donations to can be made on a one time or monthly basis through Huron University College (see below for instructions). Funds held in this account will help us keep the project going, and expand its reach online and in the real world.

More specifically, as available, funds are used for five purposes:

  1. Technical support and services for the continued maintenance of
  2. Support contributors and editors working without access to institutional support.
  3. Offset costs for contingently employed or graduate student editors to attend Active History events.
  4. Provide funds for Active History events run and organized by Huron University College.
  5. Provide awards or seed funding to allied Active History projects.

Specific policies related to each of these areas are still in development and will be posted here soon. Use of all funds in the Active History account are governed by the financial policies and procedures in place at Huron University College. The college will issue tax receipts for any donations of $20 or more. Inquiries about this program can be made to Active History editor Tom Peace (

To make a donation: Visit Huron’s donation page at Huron University College and select “Other” in the drop-down menu. In the comments section, clearly indicate that this gift is intended to support the work of Active History.


You can read the full Active History Donations Policy (May 2017) and an updated Honoraria Policy (Jan 2020) here.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Blog posts published before October  28, 2018 are licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License.