CFP: Left History Theme Issue on Active History

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Left History is currently seeking submissions from new and established scholars for a special theme issue on the emerging field of Active History.

Working in collaboration with the editors of and drawing on the discussions that were initiated at the Active History: History for the Future Conference held at Glendon College in September 2008, Left History is looking for original articles, theoretical pieces, document analyses, and reviews that question and challenge the public responsibility of the historian. The issue will include a peer-reviewed article section, as well as a roundtable focusing on less conventional displays, examples, and short thought pieces.

Examples of possible topics for submissions include, but are not limited to, the impact of community history projects, the role of historians in contemporary political debates, and the relationship between academic historians and the broader community. We are also fascinated by other examples of Active History: material objects, historical plaques, teaching, etc.

Submissions, as well as any questions, should be sent to

We are hoping to begin the evaluation of submissions on 15 May 2010, although this can be a flexible deadline with prior consultation with the editors.

Left History publishes articles written from radical, Marxist, feminist, and postmodernist perspectives on issues surrounding race, gender, class, sexuality, culture, the state, the environment, theory, and method.  Founded in 1993, Left History is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published on a biannual basis out of the History Department at York University, Toronto.  It is indexed in America: History and Life, Historical Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, and the Alternative Press Index.  For further information, please consult our website,, or contact the editors at

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