Call for Nominations – CHA Active History Committee Coordinator(s)

The CHA Active History Committee will be holding elections for one or more coordinators at its annual meeting at the Canadian Historical Association’s annual meeting, scheduled for noon on May 30, 2012 (see CHA programme for room location). Anyone interested in the position can contact the current co-coordinators at  for more information.

The CHA Active History Committee acts as the liaison for Active History and the activities of the CHA. In the past it has organized panels as part of the CHA annual meeting, and this year it organized a themed public  conference to complement the CHA,  but it is very much a “make it your own” type role.

The coordinator’s role is defined as follows:
a) It shall be the duty of the coordinators to act as Active History’s public representatives and to liaise with the Canadian Historical Association

b) It shall be the duty of the coordinators to conduct meetings, including a general lunch meeting at the Canadian Historical Association annual conference

c) It shall be the duty of the coordinators to possess an up-to-date version of the constitution

d) It shall be the duty of the coordinators to possess an up-to-date email list
of active members

The Co-Coordinators also lead the coordinating committee which:

“shall plan and organize the functions of Active History.
a) These activities may include, but need not be restricted to the following:
i) a general lunch meeting at the Canadian Historical Association annual conference
ii) conferences, workshops, and other events that promote the goals of Active History.”

This year we chose to organize the 1812 mini-conference; it would be up to future co-coordinators, in conjunction with interested members, to decide what sort of activities beyond the lunch meeting might be planned for the next annual meeting. Potential activities could include a sponsored panel, a workshop, or another mini-conference.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the position, but cannot attend the lunch meeting on May 30 please contact us ( We look forward to seeing you in Waterloo!

Jamie Trepanier and Jessica Squires
CHA Active History Committee Co-Coordinators

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