The Future of Public History Programs in North America and Abroad

Active History is proud to present a video each week from New Directions in Active History. The conference took place at Huron University College on October 2-4, 2015 and brought together scholars, students, professionals and community members to discuss a wide range of topics pertaining to active history.

Continuing the conversation on the future of Public History programs this week is Jean-Pierre Morin, a member of the board of directors of the National Council on Public History. Morin offers insight on the growth and decline of Public History programs in North America, as well as internationally. Morin discusses why many programs are being closed down on the regional and local levels, as well as addressing the decreasing number of students enrolling in public History Programs in Canada and the United States. Focusing on the international scene, Morin discusses the growth of public history in Europe, and how Europeans are adapting their programs to the North American models that have been established here. He also discusses the identity crisis that faces many Public History graduates and their prospects of finding work after graduation.

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