Tag Archives: WaitingToInhale

Cannabis Americana: The Past, Present, and Future of Marijuana in North America

By Adam Rathge Judging from recent developments in Canada, Mexico, and the United States it seems we’re on the cusp of a monumental shift in North American drug policy. Indeed, the war on drugs paradigm and its requisite enforcement agencies appear under greater attack than perhaps ever before. This is especially true for marijuana prohibition. In Canada medical marijuana has… Read more »

Using the past to structure the future: Envisioning cannabis legalization through the lens of liquor control

By Dan Malleck It is the moment that scholars fear: the question you cannot answer, in a forum where you’re presented as an expert. Such a case happened at the recent Rise of Big Cannabis symposium held in Saskatoon in March 2016. A cannabis activist asked the panel on legalization which distribution system would be better: the “dispensary” model or… Read more »

Diversity in dispensaries: Fostering innovation in new medical marihuana regulations

Kathleen Thompson In 2016, opportunities currently exist for eco-friendly, economic innovation to benefit historically disadvantaged citizens in the changing Canadian medical marihuana industry. Various scholars and commentators in business, public policy, and the media have discussed how the Trudeau government’s marijuana legislation might look. This paper highlights the role of Indigenous communities, civil society, the business community and interested citizens… Read more »

Touring Tilray: Navigating Canada’s New Marketing and Selling of Medical Cannabis

By Cynthia Belaskie and Lucas Richert We weren’t left to wait in the B.C. rain. After presenting our IDs at the security station outside Tilray’s medical cannabis facility in Nanaimo, and once we were confirmed as being on the official “list,” it took less than a minute to enter the recently constructed $30 million, 65,000 square-foot facility. There were four… Read more »

Medical Cannabis: The Canadian Physicians’ Perspective

By Murray Opdahl, MD, BSPE, CCFP As of April 1, 2014, Health Canada stopped authorizing use of marijuana in Canada and placed this responsibility on physicians who were not particularly interested in having this responsibility. Currently, physicians can choose to provide a “medical document” that authorizes the patient to obtain marijuana from a licensed producer. Under the previous system, physicians… Read more »

Cannabis cultures: Notes from the west coast

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By William Knight It is a bright Friday afternoon in a Vancouver cannabis lounge. It is busy after lunch and all the coffee tables are occupied by people vaporizing or otherwise imbibing various strains of cannabis. Pink Kush. Sour Diesel. Lemon Haze. The lounge replicates, my guide explains, the Amsterdam model for recreational use: you come to a café, order… Read more »

Waiting to Inhale: Marijuana’s past and future in Canada

By Erika Dyck and Lucas Richert In 2001 Health Canada approved the use of medical marijuana for a strict list of health complaints ranging from different pain applications to seizures from epilepsy. During the last federal election in 2015, Justin Trudeau boldly promised to go further down the path of legalization, suggesting that he will decriminalize possession for recreational use…. Read more »