and the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies have partnered together to compile a collection of essays commemorating the 1763 Royal Proclamation. This collection of essays explores the implications of the Proclamation that faced Indigenous peoples and Settler communities across North America, exploring both what the proclamation meant when it was issued in the mid-eighteenth century and what it continues to mean in North American society today. Below, you will find hyperlinks for each individual essay or you can read them together by downloading the pdf version of Canada Watch. Special thanks to the Robarts Centre’s Colin Coates and Laura Taman for their work in putting this collection together.
Thomas Peace, The Politics of Proclamation, the Politics of Commemoration
J.R. Miller, The Royal Proclamation – “the Indians’ Magna Carta”?
Brian Slattery, Is the Royal Proclamation of 1763 a Dead Letter?
John Reid, The Significance of the Royal Proclamation of 1763 in Atlantic Canada
Denys Delâge and Jean-Pierre Sawaya, Does the Royal Proclamation apply to all Indigenous People in the Province of Quebec?
Donald Fyson, The Royal Proclamation and the Canadiens
Keith Jamieson, The Haudenosaunee/Six Nations and the Royal Proclamation of 1763
Alan Ojiig Corbiere, Parchment, Wampum, Letters and Symbols: Expanding the parameters of the Royal Proclamation commemoration
John S. Long, Reflections on 1763 in Far Northern Ontario
Brandon Morris and Jay Cassel, “the said Lands… shall be purchased only for Us”: The Effect of the Royal Proclamation on Government
Robert Englebert, Much ado about nothing: The Royal Proclamation on the Edge of Empire
Neil Vallance and Hamar Foster, The Life and Times of the Royal Proclamation of 1763 in British Columbia
Ken Coates, The Spirit of 1763: The Royal Proclamation in National and Global Perspectives
Victoria Freeman, The Royal Proclamation and Colonial Hocus-Pocus: A Learned Treatise
The Historic Saugeen Metis community is interested in having papers written for the 200th year anniversary, 2018, of the Ojibwe Piche Wampum 1818 carried until 1889 by Historic Saugeen Metis Marguerite Lange, Cree Metis wife of NWC HBC Saugeen trader Augustin Gonneville dit Lemire. Also to include the significance of two wampum belts created c1880-1890’s by Marguerite’s nephew Joseph Lange III, Saugeen, for his daughters.
Patsy L. McArthur, Secretary-Treasurer
Historic Saugeen Metis 519-483-4000