Re-enactors, historians, and quilters have started designing two 30-block quilts telling the story of how the War of 1812 affected First Nations and settler families. Quilt patterns will tell the story of how women were involved in the War of 1812. Women on the battlefield helped pass water to the soldiers. In the camps, they were laundresses, seamstresses, and companions to the soldiers. This community project will connect neighbourhoods along Longwoods Road. The Queen’s Highway 2 has a long and interesting history. It is hoped that this project will build interest in the many decades of stories. Owners of heritage barns will soon be approached about sponsoring a “barn quilt” like the ones near Wardsville.
An organizing meeting is being held near Delaware to plan for the Longwoods Barn Quilt Trail. All are welcome to attend a meeting July 6, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the Longwoods Road Conservation Area, 8348 Longwoods Road, near Delaware. Anyone interested in the War of 1812, quilting, painting, and celebrating 200 years of peace with our neighbours to the south is invited to attend the July 6 meeting.
For more information, contact Denise Corneil or 519 693-7002 or Mary Simpson at 519 287-3566 or
The Longwoods Barn Quilt Trail is going well. Two story quilts are being created; the settler quilt and the First Nations quilt. A team of historians is interpreting the history of how the war affected women and children through the quilt blocks. Social media and google map are linked to the quilts blocks to relay the stories. We hope it will be all finished by June 2012!
My wife & I recently toured old #2 Hwy from Lambeth to Chatham (sort of a “blast” from our “past”!) We couldn’t help noticing many barns with colourful block prints on them. We have a couple questions we were wondering about concerning this area – would someone be able to answer them for us, please? (1) What is the history of the barn-block or barn-quilt works of art visible from Longwoods Road, and who was the original artist, or artists? (2) How did “Longwoods Road” get its name (formerly Provincial Hwy #2)?
Many thanks.