Play in new window | DownloadBy Sean Graham This week, I talk with Marth Hanna, author of Anxious Days and Tearful Nights: Canadian War Wives During the First World War. We discuss Martha’s entry into the world of First World War letters, the challenge of tracking down letters from over 100 years ago, and how women on the front… Read more »
Lisa Pasolli If you know one thing about the history of child care in Canada, it’s probably that it is a story littered with disappointment. Over and over, studies and task forces have called for the building of a universal child care system. Over and over, governments have promised action only to walk back their commitments or have their plans… Read more » Play in new window | DownloadBy Sean Graham This Friday, Capital Pride kicks off its ten days of festivities in Ottawa. With film showings, pub nights, and, of course, the parade, the event seems to get bigger and garner more attention each year. This growth has been mirrored in the historical literature on LGBT communities. Over the past couple… Read more »
Brittany Luby reflects on how her studies, particularly Sergei Kan’s “Shamanism and Christianity” inspired critical reflection of her own family’s conversion narratives.