This week, we have announcements concerning Earth Week, a new educational website for Chinese Canadian women’s history, a documentary on Chinese people and the CPR, as well as the Left History theme issue on Active History!
Earth Week Events
NiCHE (Network in Canadian History and the Environment) is hosting a series of public environmental history talks across Canada in the weeks before and after Earth Day. Below are a list of talks being held in public libraries from Vancouver to Halifax:
- April 13: Dr. Debra Nash-Chambers, “Guelph’s Urban History, 1826-1957,” 7pm, Main Branch of the Guelph Library.
- April 14: Dr. Jim Clifford, “From a Pastoral Wetland to an Industrial Wasteland, and Back Again? An Environmental History of the Lower Lea River Valley, the Site of the 2012 London Olympics,” 7:30pm, Mississauga Central Library.
- April 18: Dr. Terry Simmons and Phil Van Huizen, “The Road to Earth Day: The History of the Environmental Movement in British Columbia,” 7:30pm, Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, Central Library, Vancouver.
- April 19: Dr. Joanna Dean, “Mapping Ottawa’s Urban Forest: Lowertown, New Edinburgh and Alta Vista from 1920 to 2005,” 7:30pm, Ottawa Central Library.
- April 20: Dr. Ken Cruikshank and Dr. Jennifer Bonnell, Hamilton.
- April 21: Dr. Claire Campbell, “What is environmental history, and what does it mean for Atlantic Canada?,” 7pm, Keshen Goodman Public Library, Halifax.
- April 22: Dr. Michele Dagenais, BANQ, Montreal.
- April 26: Dr. Lisa Rumiel, “Earth Day: Then and Now,” 6.30pm, Deer Park Library, Toronto.
NiCHE is also hosting a series of public events at the University of Western Ontario and Queen’s University:
- April 15: Micheal Del Vecchio, 8th ANNUAL Earth Day Colloquium, Centre for Environment and Sustainability, UWO, London.
- April 19: Dr. Nigel Clark and Dr Peter C. Van Wyck, “Symposium: Environmental Responsibility Without Limits”, 1:00-3:30pm, Robert Sutherland Building, Queen’s University.
- April 21: Public Screening “Waterlife: the Great Lakes the last great supply of fresh drinking water on Earth”, 7-9:30 pm, Ellis Auditorium, Queen’s University.
For more information see the NiCHE website.
New Educational Website: Chinese Canadian Women’s History
The Multicultural History Society of Ontario will be launching a new website on March 31st: Chinese Canadian Women, 1923-1967. The website presents the experience of Chinese Canadian women during a time of discriminatory immigration restrictions.
Documentary Release: Ties that Bind, Building the CPR, Building a Place in Canada
March 31st, 2011 marks the release of the new documentary, Ties That Bind: Building the CPR, Building a Place in Canada. The documentary looks at the Chinese Canadian community’s role in creating the Canadian Pacific Railway in the 1860s. For more information visit the website at:
Left History Theme Issue on ‘Active History.’ and Left History are delighted to announce the launch of Left History‘s theme issue on Active Histories. We are also delighted to launch our sixth short paper on our website, “Disappointment, Nihilism, and Engagement: Some Thoughts on Active History” by York University SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow Stuart Henderson.
The table of contents for the full issue are below the cut. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the Active History theme issue, we are distributing FREE copies to our readership (quantities are limited, so we will be generally operating on a first-come-first-serve basis). Please e-mail with your name, mailing address, and a brief two sentence rationale for why you’d like to receive the issue. We would then be happy to send it to you free of charge. For information on Left History or to express interest in subscribing, please e-mail
LEFT HISTORY 15.1 Table of Contents
Jim Clifford, “What is Active History?”
Tom Peace, “The Call of Passive History.”
Joy Parr, “The Terms of Engagement: Elements from the Genealogy of Active History.”
Victoria Freeman, “What is Active History?”
Stuart Henderson, “Disappointment, Nihilism, and Engagement: Some Thoughts on Active History.”
Craig Heron, “Workers of the World, Give Me a Call!”
Karen Dearlove, “Community History, Active Historians and Activism.”
Tim Groves, “Historical Plaques: Images from the Missing Plaques Project.”
Nick Witham, “Kolko and the Functions of Revisionist Historiography during the Reagan Era.”
Ian Hesketh, “Weapons of Another Kind: Henry Thomas Buckle and the Case of Thomas Pooley.”
Wendy Cheng, Laura Barraclough, and Laura Pulido, “Radicalising Teaching and Tourism: A People’s Guide as Active and Activist History.”
Geoffrey Reaume, “Psychiatric Patient Built Wall Tours at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, 2000 – 2010.”
Joel T. Helfrich, “On Being an Active Historian and the Usefulness of History: The Case of the Ongoing Struggle for dzi? nchaa si’an (Mount Graham).”
Bryan D. Palmer, “The Democratic Revolutionary: Reviving Lenin.”
Michelle A. Hamilton, “Canadians and their Pasts.”
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