Announcement: Parler Fort presents Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront

The Parler Fort series is proud to announce the launch of Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront (University of Toronto Press, 2011).  On Monday June 20th at 7:30 pm at Toronto’s historic Fort York Wayne Reeves, Chief Curator for the City of Toronto Museum Services, will discuss the history of Toronto’s waterfront.  Special guests include contributors to Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront: Gene Desfor, Jennefer Laidley, Jennifer Bonnell, Susannah Bunce, Hon Q. Lu and Michael Moir.

Join Wayne Reeves and guests for a discussion of how Toronto’s waterfront has changed, and how understanding the waterfront’s history can help us ask important questions about current plans for a waterfront that could, at last, serve all Torontonians.

Parler Fort is an initiative of The Friends of Fort York, and provides a forum for citizens exploring Toronto’s past, present & future.

Admission is $10.00 for general public, and free for students compliments of University of Toronto Press.  Refreshments included.  To pre-register contact or 416-392-6907 ext. 221.

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One thought on “Announcement: Parler Fort presents Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront

  1. Alfonso J. Samanez

    I regret having missed the opportunity to hear what our Chief Curator Wayne Reeves had to say regarding the planning of the Waterfront Re-Shaping for the City of Toronto. Could you please send me some updates via e-mail. I would love to know, help and maybe volunteer my time and efforts to any events that may help reshape our Waterfront for the benefit of future Toronto generations to come.

    Yours truly,

    Alfonso J. Samanez

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