For many people the last year and a half has been a time of crisis. Academics have adapted research goals and timelines (when they’ve been able to), abandoned projects, shifted focus, been forced to put research on the back burner as other priorities in their lives have demanded attention.
The upcoming Pandemic Methodologies Twitter Conference started with a seemingly simple question: What has historical research looked like during the COVID-19 pandemic? Perhaps more importantly, what has it felt like? And how has it looked and felt differently for different historians at different stages in their careers, in relationship with different communities? As the joke goes: It’s complicated.
Conference Programme/ Programme du conference
@PMTC2021 / #PandemicMethodologies
June 24-25, 2021
Schedule in Edmonton/MDT
*indicates presenter for a group.
Sponsored by the Canadian Historical Association (CHA)
Thursday June 24, 2021
10:00: Jacob Steere-Williams (@steerewilliams), “Pandemic Public(s): At the Intersections of Public Health and Public History”
10:30: Esyllt Jones (@panhist), “Public Health History and Pandemic Policy-Making”
11:00: BREAK
11:30: Crystal Gail Fraser (@crystalfraser), “Thinking through Indigenous Archives & the Interpretation of History in Canada”
12:00: Peter Fortna* and Sabina Trimble (@willowspringsss), “Testing Different Paths: Oral History, Ceremony, and Reimagining Histories during a Pandemic”
12:30: BREAK
1:00: Emily Kaliel (@emilykalizzle), “Compounded Isolations: Graduate School, the Pandemic, and the Social Nature of Historical Work”
1:30: Sue-Ann Benson-Haughton (@Sue49703427), “Appreciating Change: Navigating Depression and Graduate Research during COVID-19”
2:00: Margaret Ross (@maggie_ross95), “Writing and Thinking Alone: COVID-19 and the Impact of Graduate Student Isolation”
2:30: BREAK
3:00: Hannah Facknitz* and Danielle E Lorenz (@HannahntheWolf), “Disability and (Dis)Rupture in Pandemic Learning: Crip Priorities in Research During Global Crisis”
3:30: Jacquelyne Thoni Howard (@ThoniHoward), “Using Collaborative Research and Open-Source Methods to Promote Feminist Pedagogy During a Pandemic”
Friday June 25, 2021
10:30: Johanna Lewis* and Daniel Murchison (@JohLewis), “More with Less: Academic practice for the COVID generation”
11:00: Victoria Seta Cosby (@VictoriaSCosby), “COVID-19 Proved that Accessibility is Possible in Universities – So Why is it Going Away?”
11:30: BREAK
12:00: Erika Dyck* and Scott Napper (@erikadyckhist), “Teaching History of Disease and Vaccines during Covid”
12:30: Madeleine Mant (@maddymant), “Insulin in Isolation: Socially Distant Medical History”
1:00: Samantha Cutrara (@DrSCutrara), “‘We’re time travellers, people!’: The ghosts of wonder, administration, and audience in working with digital sources”
1:30: BREAK
2:00: Erin Spinney (@ErinSpinney), “Where Have All the Books Gone? Research and Writing Without Physical Library Access”
2:30: Thomas Littlewood (@tmlittlewood), “Advocacy during a Pandemic”
3:00: Jim Clifford and Erika Dyck (@jburnford & @erikadyckhist), “Archiving the Pandemic”
3:30: Heather Green*, Jonathan Luedee, and Glenn Iceton (@heathergreen21), “The Northern Borders Project: Digital Research and Collaboration in the COVID-era”
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