10th Annual(?) Year in Review (100 Years Later): And the Winner Is…

By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham

This year, you joined us in offering your two cents on the most important events of 1922

Four rounds. Sixteen events. Hundreds of votes across multiple platforms. And it all comes down to this. We are pleased to announce the result of the Enrico Palazzo Pre-Memorial Championship:

Ottoman Empire Collapses defeats TV Receiver Patented (23-18)

With that win, Ottoman Empire Collapses is crowned the Most Important Event of 1922 and joins the pantheon of past winners (you can see that list at the bottom of the post).

We like to think that it was because of our astute historical analysis and persuasive writing that the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire won this year’s bracket. In reality, however, what we thought likely didn’t factor in at all. In any event, the people have spoken and we agree with this result. If you want go back to see how we got here, you can check out all the entries from this year’s series:

First RoundElite EightFinal Four; Final

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and vote and comment on this year’s bracket. We hope that you enjoyed this year’s installment and we look forward to (hopefully) bringing you the most important events of 1923 next year. Having already taken a peak, there is a lot of great stuff to talk about a year from now. 

All the best during this Holiday Season and Happy New Year.


Past Winners

1910: Binder Clip Patented

1911: First International Women’s Day

1912: Titanic Sinks on Maidan Voyage

1913: Zipper Patent

1914: First Successful Non-Direct Blood Transfusion

1915: Women’s Suffrage Legalized in Kingdom of Denmark

1916: Margaret Sanger Opens First American Birth Control Clinic in Brooklyn

1917: Russian Revolution

1918: Spanish Flu Pandemic

1919: First Nonstop Transatlantic Flight

Winners at War: Women’s Suffrage in the Kingdom of Denmark

1920: Toaster Patent

1921: Discovery of Insulin

Aaron Boyes has a PhD from the University of Ottawa

Sean Graham is host of What’s Old is News and a contributing editor with Activehistory.ca

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