By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham When we started this humble tradition back in 2013, it was based on a frustration with seeing year in review think pieces and declarations of things like the word of the year being released in November – which always signalled to us that December didn’t count. So tough luck to all the inventions, birthdays,… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham We ask ourselves this question every year: how has another year passed and we get to write this 100 Years Later Year in Review? And, more importantly, why do the good people at continue to allow us to do it? This annual tradition is something that we look forward to completing every year,… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham Four rounds. Sixteen events. Hundreds of votes across multiple platforms. And it all comes down to this. We are pleased to announce the result of the Enrico Palazzo Pre-Memorial Championship: Ottoman Empire Collapses defeats TV Receiver Patented (23-18) With that win, Ottoman Empire Collapses is crowned the Most Important Event of 1922 and joins… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham After three weeks, hundreds of votes, and some excruciatingly tough matchups, it’s time to determine the most important event of 1922. But before we do that, we have some business to attend to from last week’s Final Four. Ottoman Empire Collapses defeats Japan Launches First Purpose Built Aircraft Carrier (22-13) Vitamin D Isolated ties… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham Last week we launched our annual Year in Review (100 Years Later), but this time with a bit of a twist: reader voting to determine who moves on. After hundreds of votes on Twitter, Instagram, and through email, we tallied everything up and determined which events have moved on in their quest to be… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham It’s hard to believe that this year marks our 10th year of the Year in Review (100 Years later) bracket. We could not have imagined back in 2013 when we wrote the first bracket that this would actually become an annual event (hence the question mark in each year’s title), but that little joke… Read more » Play in new window | DownloadBy Sean Graham Before we put 2021 to bed later tonight, I wanted to look back at some of the great conversations we’ve had on the History Slam this year. The past 12 months have not been the easiest for anyone, but I’ve been so energized by the discussions, insights, and expertise that has… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham It’s that time of year again where we get together and use the incredible power of hindsight to look back on the events of 100 years ago. In the past we have used this space to note the struggles of the current year and hope for better in the new year, but the past… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham In last year’s edition of our Year in Review, we said that 2019 was at times a slog. We miss 2019. 2020 has been a dumpster fire of a year. The COVID-19 pandemic shut down most of the world, infected (as of writing) more than 73 million people, and killed 1.6 million – with almost… Read more »
By Aaron Boyes and Sean Graham Welcome to the First Decennial(?) Year in Review: Winners at War (100 Years Later) bracket. In 2013, we had an idea to do a recap of 1913. The idea came out of our frustration with the annual recap columns that declared winners and losers, often before the year is even over. As historians, we… Read more »