Tag Archives: E. A. Wrigley

Coal-Power with low Emissions: Is Boundary Dam a new Energy Paradigm

By Dr. David Zylberberg Energy sources are interchangeable for many purposes. Pre-industrial people burned various woods, peat, coal, dung and straw for cooking and basic manufacturing. In such societies, fuels varied between communities depending upon local availability and cost in either money or labour. Pre-industrial people cooked with whatever fuel required the least of their effort. Energy has never been free… Read more »

Did the Steam Engine or Spinning Mule lead to the Industrial Revolution?

By Jim Clifford I recently introduced a group of students to this question by asking them to listen to an episode of In Our Time from BBC Radio 4. After about ten minutes of background conversation the episode devolves into an ongoing argument between the host, Melvyn Bragg and Pat Hudson, one of the leading historians of this time period…. Read more »