I think that I shall never see, A poem as lovely as a tree. – Sergeant Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918) While many of us may be familiar with the designation of built heritage properties under the Ontario Heritage Act, recently municipalities have been using the Ontario Heritage Act to designate individual trees as heritage trees. Municipalities like Burlington, Pelham, Thorold, Cambridge,… Read more »
The Greenwich Mohawk brownfield site in Brantford represents both the city’s industrial past and its recent deindustrialization. The 1903 heritage designated Cockshutt Office building on the site is in jeopardy of being demolished by those who want to forget Brantford’s industrial history and recent failures.
August is laughing across the sky, Laughing while paddle, canoe and I, Drift, drift, Where the hills uplift On either side of the current swift. – “The Song my Paddle Sings,” E. Pauline Johnson From Brantford’s downtown the Grand River meanders lazily, coming back on itself through a large ox-box, before reaching the tiny community of Newport. Just past Newport… Read more »
The ongoing land dispute at Caledonia, and other outstanding land claims in the Grand River Valley, as well as elsewhere in Canada, speaks to the significance of history and what Laurier Brantford’s Program Coordinator for Contemporary Studies Peter Farrugia calls “the immanence of the past in the present.”
ActiveHistory.ca and Left History are delighted to announce the launch of Left History’s theme issue on Active Histories. We are also delighted to launch our sixth short paper on our website, “Disappointment, Nihilism, and Engagement: Some Thoughts on Active History” by York University SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow Stuart Henderson.
If you’ve read my previous blogs, you’ll notice that I talk a lot about Brantford, Ontario. Since completing my PhD in History from McMaster University I’ve been working as the Executive Director of the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre (CIHC), a not-for-profit organization in Brantford dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Canadian industrial history and the establishment of a museum… Read more »
The the gift of two peals of handbells to the Mohawk Chapel during the Queen’s most recent visit to Canada demonstrates the continuity of a relationship that pre-dates the existence of Canada by more than 150 years.
Colborne Street is the historic downtown of Brantford and by many accounts this stretch of buildings represents the longest stretch of pre-Confederation buildings remaining Canada, but Tuesday June 8th was a dark day for history, heritage and the city of Brantford.
The following upcoming events may be of interest to our readers:NiCHE job posting, News from the CHA, CIHC history and heritage, Approaching the Past, PSAT General Meeting.